Fun with IEnumerable and collection initializers

Jaco Jansen van Vuuren

Jaco Jansen van Vuuren

Software Developer

IEnumerable and collection initializers. You probably use them every day (if you write C# code at least) without thinking about the implementation details too much. And honestly - neither did I. But after I got a null reference exception (by accident, of course) whilst doing an assignment to a collection I was reminded about some of the interesting parts of IEnumerable - and some of the fun stuff you can do with it.

A case for a lower footprint JSON specification

Jaco Jansen van Vuuren

Jaco Jansen van Vuuren

Software Developer

As human beings we tend not to think about things too much once they work. We all have that one application running somewhere on a server rotting away that "just works" - we should probably revise it every now and again - but we don't - because it's a mental load we just don't need.

I'd argue that we apply the same mindset to our daily tools and established patterns - without ever thinking about it too much either. Recently while downloading a 4.26 GB CSV file from an Azure Databricks instance I was reminded of an idea I had a few months ago; JSON can be optimized.